JdBrowser Start - This is what I use for my browser's home page. It's a ton of handy links that I put together, as well as search engines (Google, Yahoo, Wikipedia, and Ask Jeeves), a dictionary, a thesaurus, and an encyclopedia. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
The Official Decivilization Website - Decivilization (or Deciv for short) is a pencil-and-paper RPG (role-playing game) that has been in development for years, and is now nearing completion. You can get a full description and explanation here. We're keeping the details of the game under wraps until it ships, so until then, the site is just a public forum for discussion of whatever we and our guests feel like.
Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters - A self-explanatory subtitle. Probably the most popular site on the entire web to boot. I visit it several times a day, as well as its gaming section.
Opera is my Web browser of choice. It's the fastest browser on the planet, literally (in terms of browsers with advanced features of course), and seems to be able to view all pages perfectly, despite what browser they were designed for. I've entered many pages with Opera that claim to be "Internet Explorer only", and Opera can view them all just fine (and faster than IE or Firefox). It has built-in pop-up-blocking options. It even looks a lot nicer than IE or Firefox.