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The Entertainment Industry Is Trying To Outlaw Personal Computers

Monday, April 2, 2002

Everyone has been hearing about the steps the large entertainment industry companies have been taking in recent years in order to "protect their property." Now, with a recent bill being pushed by many of the biggest players in the entertainment industry, they're trying to make some of their last steps to completely control what people are, and are not, allowed to do with the things they purchase. It may sound farfetched, but when you add everything up, it's obvious: they really are trying to outlaw personal computers. As Bruce Schneier explains it to Mike Godwin : “If you think about it, the entertainment industry does not want people to have computers; they’re too powerful, too flexible, and too extensible. They want people to have Internet Entertainment Platforms: televisions, VCRs, game consoles, etc.”

To this I have one abrasive and unkindly declaration: F#ck them.

If you would like to know more, check out this article at ARTS & FARCES Internet.